Monday, 1 August 2011

A naughty story

Ok, here we go. Day one of the heart challenge, and who would've guessed it but I was lucky enough to get a lovely story to tell you with this one. First things first, the heart ....

Next things next, the story.....
So there I was sitting on the bus on my way home, putting the finishing touches to the pale blue ensemble above, when the chap sat next to me tapped me on the shoulder and asked what I was knitting.
I tried to show him that it was a heart but I don't think he was convinced, to be fair it was on three needles at the time and slightly scrunched up half in half out of my handbag.

He then went on to ask "would you like to hear a naughty story?" Now generally when someone asks me this kind of question on the bus I run a mile, get off at the next stop and then walk a mile, but on this occasion he seemed a sweet old man so I nodded cautiously with a tenatative smile.

"Well" he said "My mum was a big knitter when I was a child, we would come home from school and sneak in as quietly as we could because she would be knitting, listening to the radio, making tea, and (when we well off enough to own one) watching televion all at the same time." Talk about multi-tasking! "Anyway" he said " one year she had knitted me a pale blue V neck jumper, with long sleeves and everything!" (Picture a massive big smile on his face. "It was to be my christmas present, but I didn't want to wait, I had a dance coming up with a special young lady that I knew would be there", so he said..."and here's the naughty bit"...."I stole it out of her wardrobe, wore it to the dance, and then put it back in the wardrobe and pretended to be surprised on Christmas Day!"

All I can say is let's go back to those days where stealing a jumper becomes a naughty story and where tennage boys are proud of their mothers for their ability to keep them warm and snuggly in a jumper made to match their eyes."With long sleeves and everything!"

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